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Kefir set - Kilner

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  • Information
    • Kit to make your own kefir. The benefits of Kefir are many:
      Contains probiotics.
      Helps to restore the natural balance of bacteria in the gut.
      May suit those with lactose intolerance.
      The lactic acid in kefir breaks down lactose in the milk.
      Full of nutrients.
      Contains vitamins A, D, K. B vitamins and calcium.

      This set is designed specifically for easy preparation and serving of Kefir.
      Includes 500 ml wide-mouth glass jar, silicone lid, stainless steel lid and measuring/mixing spoon. Measurement indicators on the side of the jar. Two strainer widths for thinner or thicker mixes.

      Dishwasher safe Do not pour boiling water directly into your jars. Wash before first use. Hand wash metal components.
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