Espresso grinders
Brewing coffee with freshly ground coffee beans can produce a whole range of flavours that are different from those of ready-ground coffee. As soon as the coffee beans are crushed, a significantly larger surface area is exposed to oxygen and this causes the coffee to lose depth of flavour. With espresso, this is particularly evident and even cafés with cheaper prices often grind the coffee fresh for each cup. To be able to brew great espressos, a good grinder is as important as the espresso machine. Likewise, the coffee will not be better than the beans you use. So if you want to invest in quality, make sure to do it at all levels. There are high demands on a grinder to deliver ground coffee that is good enough to make a great espresso. You want an even particle size with finely ground coffee, so must be able to adjust the degree of grinding at the micro level and time the grinding for even doses to produce an airy and fine coffee. We offer espresso grinders from quality manufacturers in different price ranges and for different areas of application.
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